SSAT Tutoring
The Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT) is a critical part of students’ application to top private and independent institutions. Many middle school and early high school students are grossly unfamiliar with the type of logical rigor required to do well on the SSAT. Parker Academics' SSAT prep tutors trains students in New York City and beyond to become the content and think in the language of the test. We consider SSAT training a critical rite of passage for teaching students how to reason in ways that will be beneficial for the SAT, ACT, and demanding college and graduate school curriculums. The test has three levels in ascending level of difficulty and grade:
Test Level Grade
Elementary 3-4
Middle 5-7
Upper 8-11
Test Structure
The Elementary Level test is 110 minutes in length. Below is a break-down of the test’s composition:
Section Time Composition and Quantity
Verbal 30 min 30 questions
Reading Comprehension 30 min 28 questions
Break 15 min
Writing Sample 15 min 1 prompt
110 min 89 total questions
The middle and upper level tests are each 2 hours and 35 minutes, with two short breaks. The test includes three main multiple choice sections and one unscored essay.
Section Time Composition and Quantity
Quantitative 60 min 60 questions
Verbal 30 min 60 questions
30 synonyms
30 analogies
Reading Comprehension 40 min 40 questions—7 reading passages
Essay 25 min
155 min 160 questions
Like the SAT, the raw score for the SSAT is calculated using the following equation:
number correct – ¼(number incorrect)=raw score. There are no deductions for questions omitted. For example, if on the quantitative section a student gets 50 questions correct, omits 4 and answers 4 incorrectly, then the raw score would be calculated as follows:
50 – ¼(4)=50 – 1=49. 49 would then serve as the basis for a series of additional calculations.
Percentile Ranks (1-99%)
The percentile rank compares students to all of the students of the same gender in the same grade from the past three years. Suppose, for instance, that a student’s raw score of 49 merited the 87th percentile. The assumption is that the student scored better than 87% of all the students in the same grade and of the same gender who took the test within the last three years.
Estimated National Percentile Ranking (1-99%)
The estimated national percentile ranking compares students to the national student population. This ranking is not exclusive to the students who have taken the SSAT.
Scaled Score
Scaled score for each section (Verbal, Quantitative, Reading, and Total)
Grade Level Score (V/Q/R) Total
5-7 Lower 440-710 1320-2130
8-11 Upper/Middle 500-800 1500-2400
The essay is not scored. As such, it does not figure into the total score. However, the essay does accompany the test when the latter is sent to institutions.
Predicted 12th Grade SAT Score for Grades 7-10.
You can register for the SSAT at The site also provides information for late, rush and special accommodations registration.
The standard fee for the SSAT Elementary is $80 and $124 for the Middle and Upper Level tests. Be sure to visit for more details about cost.

Tutoring Plan
We prepare students extensively for the rigors of all sections of the SSAT. Students meet either 2-3 days per week for shorter periods of time (1-2 months) or once per week over the course of 4-6 months. All is contingent upon our initial assessments and the student’s particular needs. Our recommendations are based on what will ensure the greatest level of success for the student. Tutoring sessions generally last 2 hours, as this time frame allows for depth of coverage and helps the student to build stamina for test day.
Tutors tailor homework assignments to a student’s particular needs. Students receive weekly homework, which consists of practice tests, problem sets and daily vocabulary work. A combination of weekly homework and regular tutoring sessions allows students to assess their own difficulties and build momentum.
Feel free to contact us for more information.